Recess round-up: July 6, 2010

A daily dose of education news around the nation – just in time for a little mid-day break!

School improvements: Seattle schools superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson is about to embark on a handful of academic initiatives, including a new school-improvement plan that will support and pressure schools to improve. (Seattle Times)

Special ed: In New Jersey, special education is one area that cannot be cut, one line-item not up for discussion. (The Star-Ledger)

Early ed: In Michigan, the “Sandbox Party” has been established to boost early childhood education funding by $2.6 million. (Lansing State Journal)

Teacher layoffs: In California, “the schools with the lowest test scores – and traditionally the highest numbers of poor and minority students – tend to be staffed with the least experienced teachers.” (Sacramento Bee)

Glenn Beck U: Fox News host “Glenn Beck announced Tuesday that he has launched an online ‘academic program’ teaching classes in ‘religion, American history and economics.'” (Politico)

Waiting for Superman screening: Envision, a non-profit organization that addresses global issues through documentaries, offers an opportunity to see Waiting for Superman in New York City on Saturday, July 10.   Stay late for a discussion led by Elizabeth Green of Gotham Schools, who will speak with the producer and a number of education policy experts.   To register and RSVP for the viewing, click here. (GothamSchools)

Susan Sawyers