Recess round-up: August 10, 2010

a daily dose of education-news around the nation – just in time for a little mid-day break!

America Left Behind: A grim outlook on the nation’s future from President Clinton’s research and strategic consultant (Huffington Post)

Charter Schools: With just three weeks to go before it is scheduled to open, a Massachusetts charter school faces obstacles. (Gloucester Times)

Education Jobs Fund: As Congress prepares to pass the $10 billion measure to prevent thousands of teacher layoffs, some people ask if the money is being spent wisely. (NPR Morning Editon)

Graduation gap: Two Education Trust reports highlight colleges with the largest and smallest gaps in graduating African-American and Hispanic students within six Years. (Community College Spotlight)

Teacher compensation: A look at the effects of increased legislation in teacher governance. (Education Next)

Teacher quality: Red lights for California, New York and Ohio, among others, in the teacher quality department according to an analysis of the Race to the Top Round 2 finalists. (National Council on Teacher Quality)

POSTED BY ON August 10, 2010