Sarah Carr

How to boost college graduation rates for black and Latino males

While black and Latino men attending community college have some of the highest educational goals of any racial or gender group, they are also the least likely to achieve them. That’s one of several findings included in a new report from the Center for Community College Student Engagement, which suggests that black and Latino men […]

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Will Louisiana’s students be ready for online testing?

NEW ORLEANS — Starting next school year, thousands of Louisiana schoolchildren will begin taking standardized tests online as the state moves to a new test aligned with the Common Core curriculum standards. But a new report released by the Louisiana Department of Education suggests that about one-third of the state’s districts still have to purchase […]

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How to stop the revolving door of teachers, principals at charter schools

Nationally, many charter school networks have higher rates of teacher and administrator turnover than their traditional school counterparts. In New Orleans, where nearly 90 percent of the public school children attend charters, the problem is particularly acute as young schools struggle to keep their teachers and leaders for the long-haul. Related stories When charter schools […]


Annual poll of education performance ranks Mississippi 48th

Mississippi ranked 48th — ahead of only Idaho, Nevada, and South Dakota — in an annual ranking of states’ educational performance and policy. Quality Counts 2013, released by the weekly newspaper Education Week and the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, grades states on a variety of indicators, including school spending, overall student performance, and […]


Charter schools expanding rapidly in more U.S. cities

Charter schools now enroll more than 20 percent of public school children in 25 school districts across the country, according to a new report from the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, which tracks charter-school growth annually. Overall, charters enrolled more than two million students in 41 states and the District of Columbia during the […]


Study: African American voucher students more likely to go to college

African-American school children in New York City who received a voucher to attend a private school were more likely to enroll in college than their public school counterparts, according to a study released last week by the Brookings Institution and Harvard’s Program on Education Policy and Governance. For more than a decade the study tracked […]


Reforming the way we write about reform, education and more

Several years ago, an older and wiser colleague of mine at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel gently chided me for using the phrase “inner-city” in my newspaper articles on Milwaukee’s schools. My co-worker, Jamaal Abdul-Alim, pointed out that most of the neighborhoods and sections of Milwaukee to which I ascribed that label were not part of […]