Once again, NAEP scores not terribly promising
The nation’s report card shows, once again, that U.S. students are struggling at the middle school level and not posting much needed gains in literacy. The results come just six months after the National Assessment of Education Progress or NAEP, exams showed U.S. students also lagging in math. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan told the […]
USA Today takes a look at our non-traditional students
In one of the more fascinating and misunderstood contradictions of the U.S. education system, nearly half of our college students are only part-time. Some 12 million (also almost half) attend community colleges and 38 percent are also working full-time. Only 56 percent of students at four-year colleges actually get a degree within six years. Those […]
Journalists to share community college coverage
The third and final class of Hechinger Community College fellows will be back in New York City this weekend to present their projects, as part of the Institute’s “Covering America, Covering Community Colleges” Fellowship. So far, 40 journalists have been trained to take on a topic that is vastly undercovered at most U.S. news outlets. […]