Recess round-up: July 14, 2010

A daily dose of education news around the nation – just in time for a little mid-day break!

Dropout recovery: While “credit recovery” might be expanding for students who are a few courses behind their peers, blogger Tom Vander Ark details a “more robust strategy” for those who are several years off track. (EdReformer)

Teacher tenure: Perry Zirkel argues that getting rid of teacher tenure is not enough to fix all the problems plaguing the nation’s school systems. (Washington Post)

Principal academy: Indiana officials announced today the creation of a new academy at Marian University where principals, teachers, and non-educators can take intensive courses for a year, followed by two years on the job with a mentor. (Indianapolis Star)

Online learning: Benson School District in Arizona has been granted permission to start an online school for the upcoming school year. (San Pedro Valley News-Sun)

NCLB: The U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the dismissal of Connecticut’s lawsuit that had argued No Child Left Behind was “an unfunded mandate.” (Hartford Courant)

School budgets: If the Kansas state legislature wants to stay true to school funding laws put into place before the recession, the state needs to increase school funding by $471 million. (Lawrence Journal-World)

Sarah Butrymowicz